


Progress measures how much growth students demonstrate in English language arts and mathematics and how well English learners are progressing towards English language proficiency. The English language arts and mathematics indicators utilize Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) to measure how much growth students demonstrated relative to academically-similar students. English Language Proficiency measures whether students are improving within a performance band or moving up to another performance band, thus moving towards English language proficiency.

Progress measures how much growth students demonstrate in English language arts and mathematics and how well English learners are progressing towards English language proficiency. The English language arts and mathematics indicators utilize Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) to measure how much growth students demonstrated relative to academically-similar students. English Language Proficiency measures whether students are improving within a performance band or moving up to another performance band, thus moving towards English language proficiency.

Given the impact of pandemic-related data limitations on states’ accountability systems, the U.S. Department of Education approved Georgia’s one-year modifications to CCRPI which include no Summative Ratings (no overall 0-100 scores reported) and for Progress, no ELA and math progress (SGPs) reported.
Progress measures how much growth students demonstrate in English language arts and mathematics and how well English learners are progressing towards English language proficiency. The English language arts and mathematics indicators utilize Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) to measure how much growth students demonstrated relative to academically-similar students on Georgia Milestones and categorical growth for students on Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0. English language proficiency measures whether students are improving within a performance band or moving up to another performance band, thus moving towards English language proficiency.



Subgroup met improvement target
Subgroup made progress, but did not meet improvement target
Subgroup did not make progress and did not meet improvement target
ACCESS for ELLs Performance Bands
No Positive Movement Moved Less Than One Band Moved One Band Moved More Than One Band


Subgroup met improvement target
Subgroup made progress, but did not meet improvement target
Subgroup did not make progress and did not meet improvement target